mobile phone user interface example

case study

Luwiss is an eco focused furniture manufacturer.

Locally crafted, non-toxic, and build to last.


Uncover business opportunities during our regular collaboration and competitive analysis that keeps luwiss at the front of their sector. By watching for trends in analytics and iterating faster than their competitors, luwiss has been able to fill an important niche in the emerging eco furniture manufacturing sector. We initially focused on SEO, getting Luwiss ranked #1 for their chosen search terms, which helped build their brand awareness. Now that Luwiss is well established, we are focused on converting visitors into clients thru micro refinements to their web assets.

One advantage of being a small manufacturer is that you can adjust your focus quickly to take advantage of opportunities as they present themselves.

Digital assets in harmony with company goals

Create a more user friendly product story with improved navigation

Fully responsive website built with WordPress CMS

Refine and improve SEO

Uncover business opportunities during our regular collaboration and competitive analysis that keeps luwiss at the front of their sector. By watching for trends in analytics and iterating faster than their competitors, luwiss has been able to fill an important niche in the emerging eco furniture manufacturing sector. We initially focused on SEO, getting Luwiss ranked #1 for their chosen search terms, which helped build their brand awareness. Now that Luwiss is well established, we are focused on converting visitors into clients thru micro refinements to their web assets.

One advantage of being a small manufacturer is that you can adjust your focus quickly to take advantage of opportunities as they present themselves.


website design
content strategy
wordpress cms
image of charts and graphs
phase 1


Empathise with the user, define problems, and propose solutions.

Review business analytics

Competitive audit

Journey maps


User testing

phase 2


Empathise with the user, define problems, and propose solutions.

Design system + components

Lo-fi mockups in Figma / Adobe XD

Hi-fi mockups in Figma / Adobe XD

User journey prototypes for testing

Iteration based on user testing feedback



Example of a client user interface for mobile
Image of 5 pieces of furniture to showcase user interface elements
design system - style guide - example

Design system for
rapid iteration

phase 3

Unique traits

Stand out from your competitors

3D AR models clients can see in their room

phase 4

Programming + Live

Iterat on all of the details until they are perfect.

Set up WordPress

Create components and template for reusability

Check SEO/Redirects

Check for Google Page Speed / Page Experience

Beta testing

"Live" & Submissions (Google, Bing, etc..)


Image of notebook with a client website user interface
Example of a client website with an example of a user interface on a notebook